“The Bible is God’s love letter to us…[Christianity] isn’t about rules, it’s about relationship.”
This was a quote my pastor started his sermon with today. For the last several weeks he has been talking about rest. Too often we get this idea that our walk with God is about following a list of rules and being able to say we have our quiet time “checked off our list” for the day; but really, following Christ is a relationship.
We’ve talked about beauty, modesty and crushes, and I want to present to you some practical steps to begin purifying your life. First, you need to get your heart right with God. If you have never accepted God as your Lord and Savior, now is a great day to do that! You can click on the page “What Do I Do Now?” or feel free to e-mail us at sistersinchrist.girlz@gmail.com.
Second, evaluate your relationship with God. Perhaps there's sin your life you need to get rid of. Maybe your relationship with God isn't where you'd like it to be. If so, my next question is: Do you have a consistent quiet time? You may feel like when you spend time with God you do it just to "check it off your list". But that doesn't mean that your quiet time isn't strengthening your walk with Christ. It's teaching you discipline and that you need God even when you don't feel like it. Your quiet time and relationship with God will affect your entire life – the way you think, act and feel.
Life is crazy for those of us living in modern America. Our schedules are so cram packed we hardly have time to catch our breath. Yet God calls us as Christians to live our lives quietly before Him; we should not only pray, but also spend time in quiet meditation, waiting to hear God’s voice. This is where you will be empowered to overcome sin in your life. It is where you will receive the strength you don’t have, encouragement when you need it, and love when you feel lonely or afraid.
Every Christian needs a regular quiet time. We need this time, not only for our benefit and because God commands it, but because God loves us and wants a relationship with us. The Bible describes Him like a husband, jealous for our time as well as our love. Find a time of the day and a place where you can get away from the noise and pressures of life. Spend time in silence reading your Bible, journaling, and just being quiet and waiting to hear God's voice.
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