Friday, September 7, 2012

What do ya say?

Hey blog readers!
We haven't really been updating the blog very often, because all of our summers have been crazy. I'm sure you know what that feels like! And can you believe the school year is already started??? There is a lot to think about with school starting, and the new work load to get used to and all; and I'm sure we will cover some of that on here. But what I really want to know right now is how all of you are doing? Have you really been reading this blog? What posts have you really liked and want to see more of? And what are you struggling with that you would like to see posts on in the future? I assure you that EVERY christian girl has struggled with the same thing to some extent. Yes, even the ones that seem like the "good, christian, nice girls" So while the blog has been a little slow this summer, let's start some awesome and thought provoking discussion that will kick the school year off with a good start! What do ya say?


  1. I think a post about depression and suicide would be good. Because that's a thing that alot of girls struggle with(including me)and it's even worst for Christians because they feel like they have to hide it because they're "not suppose to feel that way". I just think it be good for girls to see that they are not alone.

  2. Could you maybe do a post on homosexuality? It's kinda been something I've been having a hard time forming my views on and I want to know what you guys think of it.

  3. Dating I think would be a good topic :)
