Thursday, December 1, 2011

What do you want to hear???

Dear Sisters in Christ,
We started this blog to uplift and encourage YOU! We want to know how effective we are. Are we encouraging you? Are we talking about issues that are relevant in your life? Are there certain things that you want to hear more about? Certain verses you don't understand? Let us know! The poll on the side of the blog was created for this reason, but we would like to hear specifics. So, comment on this post or e-mail us and tell us: What do you want to hear?


  1. Hello, again, girls,
    I want to ask more specifically, ragarding the results of the poll:

    What about friends and guys do you want to hear?

    - Your friends from Sisters in Christ

  2. How to act around guys and is it okay to be friends with them? What if you want to be more then friends? What does the Bible say about dating? Do guys really care if your modest?

  3. Those are great questions! We'll try and cover some of those right here on our blog. Thanks for your comment!

  4. How far is too far with a guy? Is kissing O.K.? How do I reach out to a friend who I know is being abused by someone? Please talk about how to recognize when a friend, boyfriend, or family member is physically or vocally abusing you. Because I heard that one of the biggest relationship problems with teen girls today is an abusive boyfriend. But most of all, how do I find God;s help in these situations?

  5. Thanks so much for your comment! Wow! Those are some tough questions. We'll try and cover those too. Thanks for your comment!

  6. Is it okay to be friends with gay and lesbian people? Does God really love the person but hates the sin? Is it okay if I hang out with the bad kids to be a good influence on them as long as I’m not falling into sin?

  7. Do guys care about looks? Is "hot" in a Christian guy’s view the same as a non Christian guy's view?
