Monday, September 5, 2011

"Far Above Rubies"

     When we think about how sexual and worldly women are nowadays, it is not surprising to think of a godly woman, "Her worth is far above rubies."
     When God created the world it was a perfect place.  There was no sin to be found anywhere.  But then, the woman, Eve, fell into Satan's temptation and ate the forbidden fruit.  She gave some to her husband,  Adam, and he ate some too.  From the moment Eve took the fruit, sin came into the world.
     Years later, as time went by, you can imagine that the world was not a nice place.  People had rejected God and were living only to please their own desires.  All, that was, except one righteous man named Noah, and his family.  God told Noah to build an ark that would save him and his family from the worldwide flood that He was about to send.  The flood destroyed everyone and everything except Noah and his family.
     Now, the 21st Century, we have again rejected God.  People are living only to please their own desires.  Women are immodest, unfaithful to their husbands, and worldly.  That is not like the perfect world we started out with.
     But God has made an "ark" for us.  When we take Jesus as our savior, He is our refuge in times of trouble.  When the flood of worldliness, sexuality, immodesty, and all the rest come flooding up our doorstep, we have the power in Christ to say "no" to all of it.  It's no wonder that the worth of a godly woman is far above rubies.
     Godly women such as this are needed everywhere - will you be one of them?

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