Monday, December 3, 2012

Who Am I?

Underlying many problems, sins and struggles is a common theme: A mistaken idea of who we are as Christians.  Too often we get this idea that we are defined by our past mistakes, what people say we are, or who we think we are.  Yet God cries out through His Word: "No! No! No!  You are not in bondage to those things.  You are free; you are a new person, because I have made you new."  In order to conquer sin and feel the freedom Christ offers, we must understand our identity.  And before we can understand ourselves and who we are, we must understand God and who He is, for He is the One who created the universe and breathed life into each one of us.  He is the one who gives us our identity because He not only created us, but He also gave up His Son so we might have life.

Do you understand what Christ's sacrifice means for you personally, and what it should mean for you on a daily basis?  Do you know what it means for your identity and who you are as a person?  Before last summer I thought I knew.  But then I encountered God in a powerful way and I really got it for the first time - that my identity lies in Christ, not in my works or my deeds.  It lies solely on His mercy and grace.  He not only fixed me up, but He made me a new person gave me all the things promised in His Word.  For the next several weeks I would like to take some time to look at the names that God calls His people and what they mean for us as Christians.  So dive into the Word with me and find out who God says you are!