Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Becoming a Godly Teen

There are many aspects to becoming Godly, so I’ll just cover the basics.  It does not happen overnight (sometimes I wish it did, though!).  It takes time, patience and perseverance.
            QUIET TIME – If you want to become a Godly teen, this is the place to start.  If you don’t have a quiet time, I would suggest picking a time, either right after you wake up or right before you go to bed.  During your quiet time, pick a special place where you can be alone.  Keep a notebook and write your thoughts and prayer requests down.  Then pray.  Tell God what’s on your mind; He’s ready to listen.  Once you’re done praying, open up your Bible and read a chapter.  Let God speak to you through His Word.  Write down any thoughts on the chapter you read in your notebook and date it.
            GET RID OF SIN – Pray to God and confess your sin.  Ask Him for help.  If you have something you need to resolve between someone else, do it.    Don’t let a broken relationship suffer; fix it.  You may want to add your sin areas as a prayer request in your notebook and pray for it every time you feel like you’re struggling with it.  God’s ready to help you when you need it.
            DEVELOP YOUR CHARACTER – Find a woman you know who has a strong walk with God.  This should be a woman you admire and want to be like when you grow up.  Ask her any questions you have.  Find out how she achieved the character she now has – take the advice she gives, and put it into practice!
            I could go on and on – there are so many aspects of becoming Godly – but I’ll stop there.  If you would like some more detailed advice on becoming Godly, read the book “A Young Woman After God’s Own Heart” by Elizabeth George, or “Beautiful Girlhood” by Karen Andreola.  These books have been a very good guide to me in my walk with Christ.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

True Beauty

I feel like almost all girls have been confused about beauty at one time or another, and there are some who live all their lives striving after what they think beauty is.  All you have to do to find examples of these kinds of women is to browse through the check-out aisles at the local grocery stores.  Magazines featuring women in bikinis on their front covers with perfect bodies, perfect hair, perfect make-up . . . seemingly perfect everything.  These women work to achieve this "perfect body," expose it in a bikini, smack it on the front of a popular magazine, and call it beauty.  The truth is, there is a difference - a BIG difference - between that and true beauty.
He has my heart.
I believe this is the true essence of beauty.  No one can be truly beautiful unless they have given their lives to Christ, because girls who are unsaved can only see the physical - what is tangible.  We as Christians know that a spiritual realm also exists where evil wages war against good, but good ultimately triumphs.
Girls who give their lives to Christ also give Him their heart.  Then He comes and fills their heart so there's no room for anything else.  When we allow anything else to creep into our hearts, we have to push God out because in our hearts there's only room for one.  Once our hearts are full of Christ, we have no need for anything else; He is all we need.  God holds my heart, and I know He holds yours too if you've trusted in Christ as your savior.  So why do we feel the need to satisfy ourselves with other things?  Because we've pushed God out to make room for worldly things and we feel the emptiness.
The point of everything I've just said is this:  if we're saved, we don't need anything else.  We don't need to worry about how we look because Christ is all that matters.  Let's leave room in our hearts for Him.

What Sisters In Christ is All About

"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is the be praised." - Proverbs 31:30

This is the heart of what we'll be posting here on the Sisters In Christ blog.  We'll be discussing various topics and looking at what the Bible has to say about them.  But most importantly we will be talking about Jesus Christ and what He means to us; that He is more important than anything else we could ever work to attain or acheive in this life.  Our hope is that you might be encouraged by things that God has put on our hearts to share.  We pray that this blog might encourage you in your own walk with God and maybe even touch your life in some way.  We're excited that you have decided to join us on this journey.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Welcome to Sisters in Christ!

Thanks for visiting our blog!  We hope to have more articles posted here soon, so check back! :-)

1 Thessalonians 5:11  "Therefore, encourage one another and build each other up just as in fact you are doing."